Get some fantastic photos of Ecuador for your phone or tablet.
Looking for fantastic travel photographs of Ecuador to decorate your tablet or phones home screen or lock screen as background images or wallpaper.Look no further.We have created a virtual tour of Ecuador of most of the leading travel destinations in Ecuador. Like a travel guide, we have included many famous tourist sights and many small gems off the beaten tracks, many photos have detailed descriptions. You can save these remarkable photos as wallpaper on your mobile device.We have some fantastic and beautiful travel photographs of the Ecuador beaches, coastlines, flowers and mountains, cities and markets.You can save these photos or crop them and place them as background wallpaper onto your mobile device. Wallpaper images, photos and pictures of Ecuador include:1) Cruising down the Amazon River2) Lake in the Andes Mountains3) Andes Mountains landscape4) Beach town in Ecuador5) Church at Night6) Peak of Cotopaxi volcano7) Llama in Cotopaxi National Park8) Cathedral in Cuenca9) Market in Cuenca10) Barbados beach11) Bavaro Beach Punta Cana12) Exotic fruits in Cuenca market13) Traditional dress in Cuenca14) Cactus in the desert15) Flower in the Amazon River basin16) National flag of Ecuador17) Penquin in the Galapagos Islands18) Blue Footed Booby in the Galapagos19) Frigate Bird in the Galapagos Islands20) Galápagos tortoise21) Iguana22) Sea Lions on the beach23) Guayaquil cobblestone street24) Guayaquil lighthouse25) Hiking in the Andes Mountains26) llamas27) Manabi road28) Malchingui in Andes29) Puerto Lopez beach resort30) Hats in the Otavalo market31) Quito skyline32) Church Of The Society Of Jesus in Quito33) City view of Quito34) Independence Square35) Quito historic centre36) Quito Winged Virgin37) Climbing near Rumiñahui 37) Spice market in Ecuador38) Train traveling through the Andes Mountains39) Virgin forest in Ecuador40) Wild Plant in Ecuador41) Sunset over the Pacific Ocean****Credits & Sources of Photos (All photos are either public domain or sourced under the Creative Common license. Sources of the photos are documented in our website under attrition: